- Bradley Berg
- August28,2018
- 1640
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Playing with a puppy is one of the few ways to recapture the feeling of pure joy that you felt as a kid on Christmas morning. These little balls of fluff, love, and happiness make great companions and add a lot of life and cheer to a home. As wonderful as all pups are, there are some things you should consider before you begin actively seeking out a puppy for sale.
Breed Basics
Choose a breed that embodies what you want in a pet. You may, for instance, love the look of an adorable Jack Russell terrier. These dogs have a reputation for being quite vocal, however, which may not work well if you prefer quiet or live in an apartment complex with neighbors who do. If anyone in your home suffers from allergies, you may want to shop for a hypoallergenic breed, such as a toy poodle.
Lifestyle Considerations
Though they’re well worth it, dogs require care and effort. Consider whether you can realistically make time for a dog. Long hours at work and a love of spontaneous travel can make dog ownership challenging. You need to set a consistent schedule for feeding, walking, nail trimming / grooming, and other routine care. Dog walkers and pet sitters help a lot, but your puppy will need s lot of time from you, too.
Consider the Costs
You may find a great deal on a new pooch, but remember that the costs don’t end there. Your pup needs food, toys, and vet care throughout their life. Unexpected costs may arise if your dog gets sick or injured. You may also have to pay for boarding or travel to pet-friendly hotels at times. Prepare yourself for these costs, and have a realistic plan for paying them, such as pet health insurance.
Puppy Proofing
Just like your home needs baby-proofed when bringing in a new bundle of joy, you also need to puppy proof before buying your pet. Have a plan in place, so you can begin training right away, and puppy-proof your home by hiding electrical cords, chocolate, and other potential hazards.
Meet the Family
If you already have a dog or have children, never bring a puppy home without introducing them first. Introduce your dog to puppies, and choose one your current pet seems to like. The same rule of thumb applies to kids as well; try to choose a fur baby that gets along well with your children.
Finding The Right Puppy for Sale in Boca Raton
Once you’ve taken these steps, it’s time to buy your new puppy. At Love My Puppy, we love helping our customers, their children, and their pets find the perfect new fur baby. Stop in or call us today at (561) 368-6767 for more information.