- lmplovemypuppy
- June13,2019
- 1742
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We all have holidays we really look forward to, but Take Your Dog to Work Day is one of our favorites! The first Take Your Dog to Work Day began in 1999 and was created by Pet Sitters International, encouraging people to bring their morkies, Havanese, and other pooches to their workplace. It is celebrated yearly on the Friday following Father’s Day, the last day of Take Your Pet to Work Week. Pet Sitters International began this day as a way of encouraging employers to see the benefits of having pets at work.
How Many Businesses Participate
The first year Take Your Dog to Work Day was celebrated, over 300 businesses took part. It has since grown a lot, but they have no way of tracking exact numbers since businesses are not required to register for participation. Many offices, industrial, and other businesses take part in the event every year.
What Impact Does Take Your Pet to Work Day Have?
This special day serves to encourage co-workers who do not have pets yet to see how much their co-workers love having pets and to appreciate the relationship between owner and pet. Many times, seeing the loving relationship between owner and pet encourages the coworkers to adopt a new furry friend of their own.
How Can Your Business Get Involved?
If you want your business to get involved with Take Your Dog to Work Day, you can email takeyourdog@petsit.com for more information.
Don’t have a puppy to celebrate with? We have lots to choose from!
We have a large selection of puppies to choose from, so you will be able to find the perfect pup for your home. Start celebrating Take Your Dog to Work Day by calling us at (561) 368-6767 to inquire about our puppies for sale in Boca Raton, or stop in to see our fur babies today!