- lmplovemypuppy
- June16,2020
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Preparing to add a new four-legged friend to your family? There are quite a few essentials to help make the transition a smooth one. After shopping for puppies for sale in West Palm Beach and choosing the perfect addition for your home, the next step is to prepare your home, so your pooch feels as comfortable as possible. By being ready to bring home your puppy, you can help ensure you have a healthy, happy fur baby!
New Pup Checklist When Shopping for Puppies for Sale in West Palm Beach
A crate provides a sense of security to your new puppy. It also gives them a space they can have all to themselves, so they can go rest when they’re tired or just need some down time. When shopping, be sure to choose a crate that won’t be too large for the breed you want to get. A large crate doesn’t offer the same security and comfort one sized just right can. You want your dog to be able to stand up, turn around, and lie down in their crate. They don’t need much more room than that.
Of course you want your pooch to be absolutely comfortable. And if they can do so stylishly, all the better! You want to select a pet bed that they’ll snugly fit into and also one that won’t become a chew toy.
Collar, Leash, and ID Tag
You may want to wait until you actually choose your puppy, so you’re sure to get the right size. You have a little more wiggle room when choosing a crate, but if a collar doesn’t fit just right, wiggle room can be downright dangerous! If your puppy slips the collar, it could be very bad. Just in case, be sure to get an ID tag too!
Safety should be a top priority. There may be areas in your home that aren’t quite safe for your new pup, such as the laundry room where you store cleaning supplies and other harmful chemicals. Also, you may want gates to help keep your pooch out of certain areas you don’t want messes in. Puppies can be quite a handful, and if you take your eye off them for a minute, you may enter another room to find they chewed up your favorite pair of shoes or had a potty accident on new carpet.
Food & Food / Water Bowls
To help prevent an upset tummy, you can wait until after you select your puppy and ask what food they’ve been eating so far. Then, purchase food that they’re already used to. You can switch them to a different type of food later if needed. Or you can pre-purchase mild food made for puppies with sensitive bellies. That will help ensure that the transition will be as gentle as possible.