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Wiggles (Cocker Spaniel/Teddy Bear)

Gender: Female

DOB: 10-2-20


Cocker Spaniel 

Bold and keen to work, the American Cocker Spaniel is equally suited to life as a gundog or as a household pet. Cheerful, gentle and sweet, this breed is of average intelligence and is respectful of its master’s authority. Amusing, trustworthy and charming with an ever-wagging tail, it is active, playful and devoted, but should be socialized well when it is young to avoid a tendency for shyness. Cockers that understand their place is under humans are good with children. They love everyone and need firm, loving leadership and daily exercise to be happy. Cockers will do okay in an apartment if they are adequately exercised. They are fairly active indoors. A small yard is sufficient. Not suited to live outside alone in a kennel.

Shih Tzu

The Shih Tzu is an alert, lively, little dog. It is happy and hardy, and packed with character. The gentle, loyal Shih Tzu makes friends easily and responds well to consistent, patient training. It makes a very alert watchdog. It is courageous and clever. Playful and spunky, this affectionate little dog likes to be with people and is generally good with other pets. Take it for daily walks to burn mental and physical energy. Its temperament will improve for the better, and you will bring out the sweet, trustworthy dog in it. The Shih Tzu is good for apartment life. These dogs are fairly active indoors and will do okay without a yard. This breed is sensitive to the heat. The Shih Tzu needs a daily walk. Play will take care of a lot of its exercise needs, however, as with all breeds, play will not fulfill its primal instinct to walk. They will also enjoy a good romp in a safe, open area off lead, such as a large, fenced-in yard. This breed sheds little to no hair and is good for allergy sufferers.

Bichon Frise

The Bichon is a fluffy, little white dog that loves human company. It has an independent spirit, is intelligent, affectionate, bold and lively. This charming, gentle dog is not a yapper. It has a self-assured, happy temperament that is easy to live with. These bright little dogs are easy to train and just plain old love everyone. They need people to be happy. They are naturally sociable Rumand are happiest when they are part of a family that takes them everywhere. This sociable trait also means that they are fine in the company of other dogs and pets and are excellent with children.  The Bichon Frise can live in an apartment if it gets enough exercise. They are fairly active indoors and will do okay without a yard.


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